If this unwinding is the epilogue, the prologue was written
in 2005. How prophetic that realization of what was to happen, would happen, certainly come to pass in the next few years
strike me right then-- that the sand under my feet was shifting and would leave
me adrift—that occur right then in that historical trading room, the rotunda at the
nation’s major s. exchange.
I will never doubt my gut feel ever again.
The indices inch higher. Only to fall someday I’m sure. But
I am at peace.
I choose the light…
as the prayer goes, asamo ma sat gamaya… from untruth to truth, from death to
light everlasting.
I want to get back to being what I was.
Your post is cryptic :)
I've started trading, small amount until I gain confidence. Yeah, they say trust your gut feel.
I think doubt is like a sickness. No matter how many times I tell myself to trust my gut, my intuition, I never cease to hesitate. My gut has never failed me, why do I still hesitate? I think because we are socially conditioned to question ourselves. Reality is never black and white.
Take care,
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