Monday, December 09, 2013

That young girl is confident, full of hope, an optimist. Not one detour. Not one compromise. Not one second choice.

And I look back.

At her age, I wasn’t.  

But had notched up serial heartbreaks, abundant grief, a parent’s decaying physical-mental health, a painful hunt for work, a career “if not this then this….”

Didn’t know these would translate into abiding strengths decades later.  Or, maybe this thinking is delusional. :)


Anonymous said...

She has still to learn.

PQ said...

I think life throws everyone a different ball game and that game is clocked for a certain period of time. How we deal with situations and shape ourselves in spite of destinies funny ways makes us who we are.

Easier said than done Austy. I've been the same, think just the same but try to tell myself that everyone is different & everything that comes our way is different...

austere said...

PQ: Don't know-- I'd bet on luck, though.Or fluke. the worst theory I've heard is the soul one, as bad as past life/ this life repayments-- your soul decides the lessons it wants to learn this lifetime.

Mago-- on this trajectory-- no, she has no need to...