Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The surprise of low fog at an early 4 pm.. no chance of a Lodhi Garden shot this once…
That random choice of the Habitat Center by a friend as a place to meet—and the amazement of walking into a symposia on language…Samanvay.. meeting an editor who’s published my translations ages ago…
the panel debating seven critical centers for Hindi's evolution

Walking around museum-like inspecting the houses in New Fr Col, noticing with amusement the predilection for superbuilt up and minimal gardens.. and making friends with a confident, happy, enthused Mrs. Kocchar, at eighty-two quite in control of her wits--she still drives--and her domain, her joy at the trees that line those avenues and her pride at the lovely park, a word of praise here, a tiny scold there… what super spirit…

the installation above the India Habitat Center arena

the joy in reaching your own home, your own bed, even if its almost midnight.
and your desk the next morning.


My Unfinished Life said...

this is not done!!!

you cam to delhi and to IHC, where my office is located and you did not even try to contact me before hand!!!...and dont tell me you you dint know my email id!!!....its on my blog!!!

if there was one blogger i really wanted to meet over the years it was you!!!!!!!!


austere said...

I flew in sunday evening and had a day of meetings on monday at an inv. conf. flew back monday night.
next time!
my apologies...

PQ said...

Austy, Mrs Kocchar is real inspiring!
And thanks to ur pics, I get to see places I'd probably never get to.

And yes I read the previous comment. So if u come to California in the next 3 yrs and don't meet me, we will no longer be blog friends ;) Is my threat working....of course we still will be, but we have to meet. You don't know my real name I guess, but you know a lot about me already with our virtual blog relationship.