Tuesday, March 03, 2015

After long I feel --on some fronts-- life has moved to first gear, finally. Did some assignments. Helped some, gratis. Felt good. Perhaps it was the dizzy activity of the industrial estate, the buzz and clatter of the presses that felt good, reminded me – of being me.

The Whiplash OST is a must listen. Reminded me of the steel drums that play Ganpati-time. What precision. And what a story.

The BRKA letter to shareholders is a must read.

Tonight, I leave for Leh, for temperatures below zero. If this flight takes off, that is. Have already had to reschedule twice. But such is the magic of the land.


Billy said...

I have had these fast moments in my life also. Feelings of accomplishments! Glad to know you are doing well.

PQ said...

Volunteering again? Im so impressed Austy!

austere said...

hey Billy... short term accomplishments...

PQ-- went for an event for 4 days... can't reach your blog.. what happened?

PQ said...
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PQ said...

Austy, just wanted to keep my blog more private. Have added your yahoo id to readers - assume that is linked to your blogger? You need to be logged into blogger to read is what it says. Sorry for the inconvenience. But all layers of protection given how much I'm venting these days