Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sandalwood, and the scent lingers long after. Medimix, a bad brand name for a soap so delightfully herb-fresh.

“Because the mother-in-law was once the daughter-in-law” heads the list of Indian soaps that the Afghan government has banned. We should ban them serials too.

Promises to be a scorching summer.


Baby Island said...

The Gunckles hit San Francisco occasionally and bring me back a favorite Sandalwood incense, the name on it besides the Chinese Characters is Sacrasoiju.

It's so nice.

Portia said...

Mmmm yes, handmade soaps smell so good. I have a bar of patchouli out in the guest bathroom, and it fills the tiny room with fragrance.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my please, but I do not get it: Banning soaps?

AmitL said...

Love the scent of sandalwood.:)

Ohhh-you're so right-we don't really need some of these soapy serials..but,then,if someone banned them, I'm sure some viewers would be up in arms saying'give us this day our daily soaps'.:)

austere said...

babyisland- ah the scent is heavenly, very pampering if you know what I mean. Medimix is different- just green fresh.

portia- am *thinking* what that'd smell like- fresh fresh? handmade ones I havn't started with- jasmine, mogra...

mago- the Afghan govt believes it spoils the Afghan culture.I agree! These are terrible family serials and they go on and on, everybody having affairs with everyone else such a mix up.

amitl- and what happened to Buniyaad? Though "Ba bahu baby" is good, these days.

Portia said...

jasmine is my absolute favorite. the oil in particular a scrumptious scent.